Be On Key: A Fresh Start For Quixote's True Blue

Once the music leaves our fingers, it becomes the audience's

By Eric Frank
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Music fans across Denver—and in particular those within Colorado's Deadhead community—were saddened when earlier this year they learned that Quixote's True Blue was once again closing its doors—this time for good. The venue had become a staple not just to Deadheads and jam bands, but to music of all types that brought a similar spirit of harmony, community, togetherness and joy.

That spirit, however, will continue with club owner Jay Bianchi's newest and brightest vision, Be On Key Psychedelic Ripple. Located at 1700 Logan street in Denver's North Capitol Hill neighborhood, the bar was previously home to the Denver Wrangler club. The new location would seem to have more to offer than did the previous Quixote's location at 314 East 13th Avenue, with restaurants such as Park & Co., Blueprint Bar, Ace Restaurant and Steuben's all within stumbling distance.

Be On Key will feature just one stage compared to Quixote's two, but what a stage it is. Having witnessed its construction, the stage seems large enough to hold a dectet and features a drum riser that will hold just about any kit smaller than Neil Peart's. Backed into a corner and semi-circular in shape, a clear and unobstructed view of the band will be visible from just about anywhere in the room.

The rest of the venue is equally impressive. Though roughly the same square footage as Quixote's, the Psychedelic Ripple feels bigger due to its openness. A patio, with its own bar, offers the perfect breather between sets. A game room will allow patrons an alternate social experience of billiards, darts, pinball and arcade games.

The featured bar is an island shape, offering an unencumbered and communal experience, something that Bianchi strives for in all of his endeavors. He thoughtfully explained it as such: "Squares are good for capitalism, saying 'I own this property'. It creates a division. The circle is more community, ya know? Because no one can possess those middle corners. With circles, there are all these little spaces that nobody can possess. Or everybody possess!"

In the spirit of openness and togetherness, Bianchi states that he will likely host more shows without a cover charge. Although people claim to want to support local music, times are tough, and a $5.00 cover charge no doubt deters some people from entering.

As The Dead have stated, "once the music leaves our fingers, it becomes the audience's." That notion is what Bianchi hopes to achieve with the new venue. He creates the space, but the experience belongs to all of us.

Like any artist, Bianchi he needed a fresh start, a blank slate. Like a long-time band member embarking on a solo project, the new venue offers a refreshing of the soul. A revitalized sense of creativity manifests itself with new spaces and new energies.

Bianchi has created a ripple effect throughout Denver's music scene, having added to our community a spirit of camaraderie that brings people together while pushing the limits of musical possibility. Bianchi's own psychedelic ripple has helped to make Denver's music scene second to none and, for that, we are Grateful. 

Be On Key Psychedelic Ripple will first open its doors to host Melvin Seals & JGB on December 30 and 31 with a special Bloody Mary Breakfast set at 7:00am on January 1st, 2017.


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