Dr. Dog at The Ogden Theatre [review]

Philly rockers showcase psychedelic pop-rock in Denver

By Eric Frank
February 14, 2016

Ogden Theatre marquee in Denver Colorado Dr. Dog and The Bright Light Social Hour February 12 2016

On Friday, February 12, 2016, Dr. Dog once again visited Denver, CO to share their brand of psychedelic pop/rock with a sold-out Ogden Theatre. A young and eager crowd clad in tank tops and beanies from wall-to-wall on a warm February day discussed edibles, the following day's Bernie Sanders rally at the Colorado Convention Center, and the recently concluded opening set by Bright Light Social Hour. Finally, the lights went down, a roar went up, and the stage was set for an impressive night of music.

Dr. Dog would open up the show with two songs from their newest release, The Psychedelic Swamp, beginning with the upbeat tongue-twister, "Fire On My Back." I found this to be a perfect opener for Dr. Dog, both in allowing them to showcase the new album while maintaining the allure of Dr. Dog's classic pop sensibility. Next came "Bring My Baby Back," the first single released to the public from The Psychedelic Swamp. This mid-tempo track presents a tearful longing with a simple plea: "... make them pay and bring my baby back to me".

Then came a few older favorites in "How Long Must I Wait," "Long Way Down," "Say Something," and "Be The Void," among others—all of which saw the crowd singing along to every word. Hands raised, eyes closed and smiles scattered abroad, fans get behind this band in a big way.

Most intriguing to me is Dr. Dog's melodic and harmonic sensibility. Backing vocals that are spot on harken a call to 1960's pop (dare I say… The Beatles?) while melodies roll up and down the cerebral cortex before catapulting into one's heart. It is this ability by the band that grabs—and holds—my attention and sets other aspects of the music aside.

I must admit, however, that as much as I enjoy Dr. Dog's music, I found that much of the night sounded the same. It was essentially the exact show I witnessed the last time the band was in Denver. At The Ogden. Mid-tempo songs with catchy hooks dominated the set and could have easily all been picked from the same album. I'm not a die-hard, I'm not a hater. I truly do enjoy this band and the aural stimulation they provide. But I'm not hearing much growth, much experimentation or branching out from album to album. The band seems to have found an accessible formula that no doubt is working for them. My tastes simply require more flavor... some vegetables with the steak. Err… something.

All in all it was a fun night. The crowd (although too talkative, for me) responded with vivid admiration to the sounds of the night, which the band seemed to feel and reciprocate. Denver is a fantastic place not just for music, but for being part of the music that arrives.

Dr. Dog Set List—February 12, 2016 at The Ogden Theatre: 

Fire on My Back
Bring My Baby Back
How Long Must I Wait?
Hang On
Long Way Down
Broken Heart
Say Something
Oh Nelly
The Truth
Turning the Century
Be the Void
Distant Light
Jackie Wants a Black Eye
The Rabbit, The Bat, and The Reindeer
These Days
Black Hole
Heart It Races (Architecture in Helsinki cover)

The Breeze
The Beach
Uncovering the Old


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